
What is the difference between Blue ,Yellow, Green and Pink painters tape?


Painters Tape Paper Carriers

In the painting and coating industry, there’s a wide range of colored painters tapes on the market. It is difficult for consumers to find the most satisfactory product among these rich colors.

But we comprehensively judge 4 colors of painters tapes, It may help you to simply differentiate performance of them. Paper masking tapes designed for vehicle coating, colored painters tapes designed for residential painting or household repairs.

While both Blue, Yellow, Green, and Pink painters tapes are Washi paper or Crepe paper as carrier, coating Water-based acrylic adhesive. 

Blue painters tape is the most popular color in the colored painters tapes, including blue crepe tape and blue washi tape. Most of them are UV resistant paper carrier.

No.504 dark blue and No.506 blue Multi-surface Painter’s Tape are UV resistant tape, it can be up to 14-days clean removal leaves behind for use outdoors.

No.758B blue Exterior Painter’s Tape also is UV resistant tape, it can use on exterior surfaces such as smooth and semi-smooth metal, vinyl, painted wood, and glass.

Yellow painters tape is a Multi purpose painters tape with washi paper as carrier. No.738 is designed for a variety of painting tasks. It is a interior painters tape for masking of multiple surfaces, such as glass, wood, metal, tiles, windows, floors, concrete, stucco.

Green painters tapes including No.918 Light green washi tape and No.928 Azure green washi tape. They are low tack painters tape for the sensitive surfaces or delicate surfaces during the painting process, like for touch-ups and finishes on freshly paints applied on smooth or slightly textured surfaces.

Pink painters tape No.978 also is a washi paper tape with low adhesion. It is designed to ensure extremely smooth, clean and sharp paint edges with protecting freshly painted surfaces.



PET Foil Tape